Ch. 6

28th Infantry Regiment of the 10th Division of Gen. Anders Polish Army from Lugovaya in Russia a month after arrival in Palestine. The following recognized soldiers are on the photo (roughly from left to right)): Rospond, Czaczkowski, Stanski, Edward Tomaszewski, Wojciechowski, Stefan Rosinski, Cpl.Sawicki, Kisala, Kania, Sopocko, Lesniczek, Waclaw Tyszka, Rafalski, Wolkowicz, Pawlowski, Pawlik, Guzowski, Jerzy Biernacki (from Luniniec), Sliwowski, Chorosuch, Sgt.Gwozdowski, Antoni Miszkiel, Hercun, Sgt.Skarzynski, Szydlowski, Cpl.Gawronski, Sgt.Zakrzewski, Zeromski, Boratyn (from Pinsk), Borkowski, Cpl.Matuszczak, Ziuko, Pal, Krasowski, Trubkin, Cpl.Jarmolowicz, Puk, Cpl.Filon, Wawros, Knudys, Kussakowski, Borys Denisiewicz, Grzeszczynski, Golibrod, Zubik, Dragun, Ziombra, Wincenty Czerniawski, Franek Rymaszewski, Chmielinski, Markowski, Badyko, Niewiarowski, Gutowski, Wolynski, Laudanski, Dzikonski, Stanislaw Krolik, Tomaszewski (2), Czepczak Bronislaw, Pacula, Golebiowski, Urban, Kazimierz Dec, Englod, Cpl.Silko, Kuc, Boczkowski, Bobik, Hussakowski, Sidorowicz, Pachucki, Kaminski, Deren, Szkilon, Biernat, Klimaszewski, Pawlowski, Szlapak, Czupich, Adam Dec, Duliniec, Sgt.Szegenda, Sgt.Mjr.Wilczynski, Ft.Lt. Kolendo, Cadet Holub, Sokolski, Witos, Kowalczyk,Kowalski, Parczewski, Gadomski, Gawronski, Ilemski( ilemski), Jozef Pawlik, Alfred Krasnodebski.

Franek Rymaszewski is second from the right

With Arabs and a camel.
Franek Rymaszewski wearing a pith helmet is standing second from the right.

Beduin woman with a jar

Arab woman with jar on her head and her family.
Franek Rymaszewski is second from the right.

Franek Rymaszewski is second from the right.
Attending a course in radio - telegraphy. El-Mughar camp, Palestine.
July - September 1942

Volleyball players.
Franek Rymaszewski is second from the right.

I am having grapes as a refreshment after the volleyball game. I bought these grapes from an Arab seller by exchanging them for cigarettes which were issued to soldiers on active service free every 10 days with pay. The pay for privates was 1 palestinian pound and 300 mils ( = 1 pound sterling and 6 shillings) . I did not smoke.

Sitting on the army truck is Franek Michalak who shared my fate in the Siberian labour kolhoz. He also came from Pinsk.

Some military training

More marching.

Lying in a ditch during scout exercises

Standing third from the left is Bronek Czepczak who later in London was parachuted to occupied Poland in 1944.

Young Arab on camel- Palestine 1942

Arab and camels

Non-commissioned officers

Gen. Anders soldiers in Palestine - 1942

Quizil Ribat, Iraq. 17 October 1942. Our Special Unit of 100 volunteers on completion of our special radio-telegraphy course. And farewell to Iraq by the 60 graduates leaving for England. (Franek Rymaszewski is 4th from the right with white bandage on his wounded leg)

The selected 60 graduates back in Palestinein Gedera camp, awaiting for transport to England

Showers and colder weather arrived in Palestine. It is November 1942.

A caravan of camels. 1942

Inside a beduin tent. 1942

A shepherd. 1942

An Arab - 1942

Beduin women talking

A Beduin

An old beduin

Lemonade seller. 1942

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