
Polish gypsies, the wandering families, visited Pinsk in summer and stayed for a week or so on a large square land next to Primary School No.1. The square was used to accommodate traveling circuses, etc. There was also a tower-like timber structure in the square, with "window" openings, used by the Fire Brigade to practice climbing.

The Indian looking gypsies spoke Polish and had a "king". His name was Cwiek (Tsviek). They camped in the square, with their horses and carts or caravans, selling home made baskets, soldering your pots and pans, horse dealing, etc. Gypsy women were walking around town offering to tell fortune from cards. They also had bad reputation of stealing things.

Polish Romany women (gypsies) with their children in Pinsk

The picture below was taken in 1938 when the gypsies came to Pinsk. A gypsy woman, walking on our street, came to our house. She is now fortune-telling to Marysia Wasowska (Vonsovska), our next door neighbour who was in our place at that time. The gypsy's young daughter is watching and learning.
This photo was taken in the passage of our "front-yard entrance", viewing the front double entry gate from the inside, and opened side gate. A huge wild pear tree is on the left, overhanging front fence and everything. Our house and the "back" garden are on the right of the passage - not visible. And the "front" garden is on the left, behind the fence covered with greenery, also not visible.

The front gate (see picture) as well as all front fences, were required by the recent Town Council regulations to have every second plank (picket) removed. This was preparation in 1938 for expected war. Austria was already occupied by Hitler. It was expected that mustard gas, like in the First World War, will be used, so the holes in all fences were supposed to "help in ventilation and dispersion of poisonous war gas"
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